Sunday, March 29, 2009


“They said: “glory to Thee, of knowledge we have none, save what Thou hast taught us: in truth it is Thou Who art perfect in knowledge and wisdom.”

(Al-Baqarah, verse 31)

  • The above Qur’anic verse provides us with a clear insight that as compared to other creatures, man derives his superiority from the epistemic ability which God endowed in him. However, the human process of knowing various fields of knowledge is almost inconceivable without involving any kind of language.
  • Language should be appreciated by mankind for it is a gift from Allah S.W.T and by using it, people can communicate with each other and continue the harmonious process of living. Each and every kind of language is unique and it carries a speaker’s national identity and even his or her religion.
  • There is a hadith that says, “Seeking knowledge is obligatory upon all Muslims”. One should excel in more than one language since language itself is part of knowledge. It would be a great advantage for people who learn and know KAMTOK because this language is recognized as a lingua-franca. Majority of Cameroonians are Muslims and speak KAMTOK. All Muslims regardless of their geographical areas are able to utter at least few words of Arabic. If Muslims are able to speak KAMTOK as well, it would strengthen the sense of brotherhood between brothers and sisters in Cameroon and Muslims throughout the world. This is because, language can bring people together. It is a unifying factor for the different groups of people who do not share similar cultures, religions and languages.
  • Our beloved Prophet Muhammad S.A.W used language in conveying the da’wah. By knowing KAMTOK, we can reach our brothers in Cameroon and convey as well as share the teachings of Islam. One thing that can be done in promoting KAMTOK is by using the language in translated version of the Holy Qur’an and in the tafsir. Both Cameroon-Muslims and other Muslims will have benefits. It has always been better for all of us to know the meaning of the Qur’an in our native language. The same thing goes to Cameroonians. They will have clear understanding at least about the literal meaning of the Qur’an. Besides, Muslims throughout the whole world will have access and insight on the language and perhaps, they will become more interested in knowing the Cameroon’s culture. After all, culture and language are closely related.